

Easy Weeknight Chili

It is always great to have a quick recipe in your back pocket (or rather, pantry), and this is one of my favorites for the ‘chili’ parts of the year.  It is super simple, and you can modify it to suit your family. Ingredients: 1 pound of Protein (We usually use the ground turkey from


Patio Bread

There is nothing better than freshly baked bread.  I will often do a longer version of bread, but I find this quick version quite acceptable. Patio Bread 2 cups warm water 2 packages dry yeast (or 5 teaspoons) 2 tablespoons sugar 2 teaspoons salt 2 tablespoons soft butter or coconut oil 4-1/2 cups all-purpose flour


Homemade Tomato Soup

It is fall, and time for soup!  Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches have long been a favorite meal for our family, and we traditionally used Campbell’s.  Hey, easy meal, right? Then we started going healthy, and the list of things in the canned soup made me shudder.  Did you know that it is easy,