Author name: Dawn

Dawn is a 40 something stay at home momprenuer with two homeschooled children.


Homemade Tomato Soup

It is fall, and time for soup!  Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches have long been a favorite meal for our family, and we traditionally used Campbell’s.  Hey, easy meal, right? Then we started going healthy, and the list of things in the canned soup made me shudder.  Did you know that it is easy, […]



Good morning!  I’m enjoying my cup o’ tea and reflecting on yesterday.  It was a pretty busy day, we started our home school late due to a dentist appointment.  Then there were piano lessons, and my husband had his lessons to teach here. The highlight of the day was going to Mom’s Night Out.  I


Hello world!

Yay!  This site has been mulling about in the back of my head for years, now.  I have many little tips for living a simpler, more frugal life, and would love to share them…..but can never think of them all at once.  Daily reflection on the day before will help me share the little bits

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